Tire burnout on concrete

Did a search, lots of thread drift and couldn’t nail down a definitive answer…

I got a call to get burnout marks off a concrete driveway. I know you can use Double Eagle and Groundskeeper, but is there something less expensive I can pick up locally such as LA Awesome or Zep that would work?

I’ve had luck with SH and heat. Do you have hot water?

BD-200 And hot water….caustic degreasers of some sort has worked for me.

You can try the cheaper stuff and see if it works.

Just realize you might be making a second trip.

But since it’s always good to have the better stuff on hand, you might as well just pick some up and then you’ll always have it.

I don’t have hot water. I do have plenty of BD-200.

You should be good then. Might need multiple applications depending on how bad it is.

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degreaser, straight.
let it dwell and scrub.
preteat the driveway, clean it as usual.
pot cleaning if needed.
post clean
…and done

Driveway another one - Residential - Pressure Washing Resource

Shoot me an address, I’ll stop by on my way to Tennesee this year and do some donuts for you. No charge. WIsh I still had my mustang, that would have left some nice tight rings for you. Pickup isn’t as good, but I’ll do my best. I’m to much of a sissy to ride my bike down there in winter.