Tennis court tomorrow


Probably shirt untucked too IBS. :disappointed_relieved:


LOL. I’ll never think I 'm set in my ways again. I’ve never ever even thought about width of my handles or the angle and until you showed pic never even noticed there was a bolt in the handle there. Probably got 1500 hours on it. But I do agree I like the wider handle of my Ultra Pro a little better.

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I took the Classic back, got the Ultra 19”. I might even keep my 16”, it’s awesome for tight quarters.


Thanks for the suggestions on the pressure gun, it really is a lot more ergonomic and should help my carpal.


How’s the ultra 19 working for you ?

I have one with 4 tips on my 8 GPM, and it cleans very well. No striping and moves plenty fast. If I were to do it again though, I’d spend $150 extra to get the classic with the folding handle from Aqua Pro though as space is a precious commodity on my truck setup. The bar protection sleeves and brass adapters are worthy upgrades on WhisperWash.

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Ultra works a lot better for me. Handles are wider and you can add the gun.

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The folding handle from Aqua Pro allows you to add the gun as well. I’m not a fan of the standard classic handle myself.

Will you take a picture of your gun when in the handle? It seems like it would be awkward in the position it’s in. I have the Classic so might consider ordering a different set of handles or rigging the current handles.