Surface cleaner nozzles (not another which size post)

Been scarce here lately, been a busy couple months between washing and things at the FD.

So my nozzles on my whirl a way are starting to show their wear.
Picked up a couple from northern tool. (NorthStar Pressure Washer Spray Nozzle — 3.0 Size, 15 Degree Spray, Model# N15030MP)
They do not screw in near as far as the ones before getting tight. I’m afraid to put a wrench on them and go any further.
The originals seem like they are slightly smaller or maybe slightly tapered.
I also looked at ordering some from pressure washers direct but they look to be the same as the northern ones. So I figured i’d come to yall before spending more money.

Am I overthinking this?
If they are aligned correctly and tight should I just loosen the swivel and adjust it up so they are correct height?

Don’t worry about the height. Try it like it is first. Replace the whirlaway with a good surface cleaner when you can

It puts it right at the skirt, where it was above a little bit be for but I will give it a shot.
It is defiantly on the list here soon.

Always grateful for your responses!

At top of skirt or bottom? Don’t want near the bottom.

@racer with the nozzles in question it is at the top. With the old ones it was probably 1/4 inch above that. I will try it out and see what happens, just did not want any inconsistencies with cleaning.
I have found a ton of info on setup but not many speak of height. Just that they are level.

Try them and see. If they’re lower, you may need to go to a 25degree. 15 deg is pretty darn tight pattern for a SC, in fact I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone run that, but maybe the whirl away bar sits up higher, just not that familiar with them. Is that what came on it?

If you have some calipers, check the height of the nozzle itself and compare to what was in there vs what the new ones are. The IMEG nozzles, which is what you want, measure .9" tall, whereas a standard MEG nozzle measures 1" tall. You want the IMEG because they give you more impact and a more consistent pattern. A lot of places sell the MEG because they’re cheaper and most pressure washers don’t know the difference since they basically look the same. We’re only talking a couple of dollars @ difference on something that’s going to last you a long time


Hey @Racer I have been looking for the IMEG nozzles - don’t see any of them on Amazon - which vendor do you go to for these nozzles?

Thank you,

I usually just order them from Whisper Wash, or I think KEC or Pressure Washer Products may have.