You know, I switched from 2502’s and now the thing barely floats. I had to actually push it like a broom across aggregate last week. If I went with 25030’s, it wouldn’t even move.
I am entertaining the idea of a ball valve though. If Southside has a 1/4" to 3/8" QC, I’m game. It may snap off however.
When you order the Classic…MAKE SURE that you are getting the 2 nozzle bar because they sell the identical Classic with the 4 nozzle bar for higher flow machines.
With 2502 ill get striping. If i pretreat, then take my injector out, then I get no striping at all.
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I don’t take my injector out…I just throw the pickup tube in the buffer tank.
Oh, and I don’t get striping with 2502’s, either.