Sunday baking

How do you get a pizza in one, they seem too small. I have a pizza stone I put in the oven and put it on there. She who must be obeyed just puts it on the rack then the cheese drips down onto the stove when reheated. I don’t like a dirty oven, so I am in there scrapping it off with a wooden spatula.

Kind of surprised to hear you say that. I thought you would be all about patties, as they tend to be drier then regular chicken. If I recall, I think you were the one that said you squeezed all the juices out of a chicken breast.

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I was thinking the same thing. Also surprised about his loathing of tuna casserole

I’ll eat a chicken breast if it’s dry and leathery but that’s in like a survival mode when I haven’t eaten in 3 months I can go a decade at a time without eating a piece of chicken

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I can eat a can of tuna in spring water if it’s squeezed out and dry with some French’s mustard and celery salt but not in a casserole

I rinse and re rinse and re rinse. Byt i prefer mine with mayonnaise, red onion, carrots, celery. Salt and pepper to taste. Sometimes if i dont have all the veggies ill use salsa in thier place. That goes great with tortilla chips

On another note, please tell me this isn’t anyone here lol

850 is North Florida. They could have taken a second to proofread at least

Their pic is a guy on a roof with a turbo

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Weirdest part is the website looks pretty good.

Maybe they decided to buy a “marketing” package on Fiverr? lol

Thank god for leftovers! Lol

Reheated in a 90s toaster oven

I literally got the dry heaves looking at those peas.


I knew i should’ve placed a warning somewhere

They wouldn’t have been so dry if you hadn’t squezed all of the juices out of everything you ate tonight…and where did you ever find a chicken breast that wasn’t already s odry it required liquid to get it down?

Pro tip for moist chicken everytime is to brine the chicken for 2 to 3 hrs before cooking. That draws moisture into the chicken and a little salt comes with it for better flavor also

Ring of Death, best way to BBQ any slow cook item (unless you have a ceramic cooker). Light one end come back 4 hours later.

DC Brock, love the reverse sear for any steak and air fryer is granddaughter approved for fries and tots.


I call it the ring of fire and use it a little differently. Ill light the whole thing at once and cook over the flames and use the middle as a “safe space”. Haven’t done it in years and dont even have a charcoal grill anymore. Got a gas grill over 5 years ago after a hurricane learned me a gas grill is essential for long power outages. But i kinda do the same with it. Light the perimeter burners and leave middle off