Suggestions on door to door sales

Around $3500. Post Master asked how many I had put out and did some calculation off of that.

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My wife would drive while my now 20 year old was a baby and put hundreds and hundreds a day.

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I had 2,000 door hangers made for $150 last year. You gotta buy more than that to get any decent price.

I don’t think anyone here has ever had success “blasting” a neighborhood with door hangers or cards. Chime in if you have because I have a couple eager teens that want to hang thousands for me. I have hung 250 or so myself and never had a call from it!

All that stuff is a no-go here in Australia. It’s basically littering. I agree with it.

Imagine if every business stuck these things to mailboxes and doors?! What a mess when you come home.

It’s like when you go to the store and someone puts a flyer under your windshield for “organic baby food” or something equally uninteresting.

Most people just drive off with it on, it blows away.

When five or six companies do it on one day - the car park is covered in flyers. Littering. (Local council then call you to collect them all and your fine at the same time).

The ROI is low because they are put in the bin.

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Had 2 online bookings happen last night from 5 around done this past week. Shotgunning is stupid.


Get posted to HOA eneighbors, nextdoor, and Facebook pages… you’ll be in the same neighborhood for days.

I wouldnt say that i have had a ton of success, but i also would say that i “blast” neighborhoods. Once the summer gets here and i catch up on schedule i get my cousins to hang flyers. I only do 50-100 at a time and have prices written on there. I normally drive through with them the day or so before and show them what houses would be what prices… $189, $219, and $249 are the normal prices. Its normally good for getting 1 jobs, sometimes itll be good for 2, they inly target houses that are visibly gross looking.

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It works, but don’t expect anymore then 1-2%. A lot of them hold on to it for months. The real value is getting more leads from the 1-2% with being seen working and give arounds.

That’s a problem. They’re usually that way for a reason. The best jobs are the ones that are barely dirty because people take care of it. They’ll be your annual customers.


Oh while heartedly agree with you. I use them to help grab a few jobs to fill schedule in the summer. Like I said i know itll be good for 1, maybe 2. Its been good for what it is and does get some jobs from the neighbors here and there.

Curious about your success with online booking? I am considering possibly adding something like that but was wondering how you manage pricing. Have lots of people made appointments and used the feature? Thanks!

meh… I still get more call ins, but I use flat rates so pricing is the same for everyone for the most part.

One of the only discounts I offer is 10% off online bookings because it’s just on my calendar and I don’t really have to play phone tag. I do call to ask what the house sided with, remind them to close and lock all windows and turn all outdoor lights off, and verify the booking

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I should say, if I can’t get them on the phone only email I require they prepay first to verify the booking.

Got burned on a few fake bookings last year.


Good to know! Thank you! I was just curious if maybe you got more action from the online booking option compared to a basic contact from. I think that in the past 2 years ive maybe had 2 people use a contact form.

I like this alot, have you had good success with these?

There is big money in door to door sales. I’m just too scared to do it.