Suggestions and Advice on service body truck build

I did! not the best job in the world, did it myself with some of my workers and had to do it in parts and there’s still a ton of things I want to change/add…

Basically 4 hannay reels - 2 pressure (200ft) 1 feed hose (250 - 50ft sections flexilla) - 1 flexilla 250ft 12v pump hose (the 12v pump is a small 3.5 gpm that we use basically as a “fast pump sprayer” option - so essentially when we need more than 1.5-2% hitting the wall we use the 12V - or any other direct application like oxalic but that’s almost never).

Machines are in the bed of the truck along with 65g feed tank and 35g chem tank - surface cleaners - RO/DI tank and water fed poles.

In the compartments there’s spare parts, extra hose (50ft sections), tools, raincoats, pump sprayers with other chems (f9, efflo remover, degreaser, etc.)

I’m currently out of town, but when I go back in 2 weeks I’ll try to do a short video of everything and post it.


Sweet! Looking forward to it.

Yeah man, let me know how yours go!

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That’s awesome! So happy for you amigo!

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Ever shoot the video? Would love to see more pics. Laying mine out now.

How are the hand crank reels mounted up there? I dont want to go with electric but want to know if it is a huge pain/workout to have the hand crank reels mounted high.

I did not brotha, I’m sorry, I was only in town for a few days and the whole time I was running around doing stuff. I will be back again soon (currently living out of town) and shoot one then.

I can tell you my biggest mistakes were installing things too early… for example, I put in the machines and tanks and then I had to change the plumbing and it was a PAIN due to lack of work space.

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It’s actually not bad at all… I thought I was going to have a really hard time (I’m short, 5’8 on a good day) so I put in a small step stool just in case, I never used it. My workers are taller then me and they have no issues rolling the hoses in. You also have to take in consideration that a lot of times we park on the street at the curve, so the truck in sitting a good 8 inches below where you’re standing.


Thanks, electric hose reels are good but I just want one (or 5) less things to worry about breaking down.

Still debating if I should go electric hanneys or manual off the bat

From what I keep reading manual is the way to go. Everyone that had had electric for long enough seems to love it at first but sooner or later they seem to start breaking down.

In my opinion rolling up a reel (200 ft takes about 1 minute) would never be enough of a hassle to justify electric reels. The positives simply don’t even come close to outweighing the negatives. But then again, myself and my workers are somewhat young (30s) - maybe I’ll be singing a different tune in 10 years or so… who knows

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I like my electric Titans. I have a couple spare hi-amp momentary switches in my toolbox, because everyone says the relays go out on them a lot. But after 2 years of part time use, and exposure to all the elements, they’re still going strong.

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Yeah rolling hoses is really no big deal but I wanted to confirm since I remember @Racer trailer build video I think he said “whole new ballgame” when they are up high :joy::joy:


Racer said something like “ you use a whole new set of muscles when you’re reels are mounted up top.” And that he feels spoiled with those electric reels when he has to use his trailer with the manuals lol. I’m leaning towards electric even though yes it’s more things that can break but, a lot of guys have a great success and longevity of the reels and I plan to have it in an enclosed trailer. It will be taken care of.

We use manual reels mounted on our truck. They are bed rail height on an F150, maybe chest high? I do like the simplicity of them especially if you have employees. If you somewhat neatly arrange most of the hose near the truck before reeling, it reels up pretty easy. We also disconnect the pressure hoses from the real and connect them to a whip on the unloader when washing. Too many issues with the reel swivels leaking.

I guess it was just easy for me to imagine him saying that haha. But yes that sounds about right

Let’s see this video! My truck is having an alarm and stereo change to support a rear camera. I need a fix! :joy::joy::joy:

@juan4690 ever get a video done? I’m getting close to testing. Hopefully today.

Not yet brother; as I mentioned I’m currently living out of town and running most of the business remotely. I’m traveling in town this weekend but it’ll be for personal reasons and I doubt I’ll go by the storage where the truck is at (no work scheduled on weekend). I’ll definitely be back and working with my guys at a possibly big apartment complex job - if we move forward it would be next month so I’ll have more than enough time then to do the video and pictures… I’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have about setting it up though. Despite what was said earlier about the sides being the lift kind, we haven’t had any issues with the reels mounted on them (4 hannay total). the Machines and tanks are still on the bed; however, I will be buying and installing bigger tanks for next year (we run through our 35g chem tank in like 2-3 days so upgrading to 65). When I do that, I will more than likely have to move the machines to the left side. However, I’m hoping that by then I’ll have the $$$ to upgrade machines too so it wouldn’t be the same ones we have on now.

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When you get a chance, do a video/pics of yours. Would love to see how its coming along.

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