An all stone house with concrete decks has stalactites growing from run off of the concrete decks. It also has weird green stains that look like something you see on copper. Do you think it’s a wire brush for the solid stalactites is needed, followed up by a chem treatment? I have zero idea what would take care of this?
I would go with Racers recommendation. Definitely try a test spot if you can or see if you can manage to break a piece off to use as a test and see what solvents dissolve it. Then from there you just have to make sure it’s safe for stone.
Like Racer, NMD80 or Prosoco 800 / 600. I bet they throw salt out on the balcony every year. Probably the blue stuff too some years. Efflorescence with vanadium stains. You’d be surprised what a scraper and a stiff brush will remove but from those pics, it looks pretty labor intensive. I would upsell them on caulking and sealing everything. Thats a good money maker there. With limestone being so fragile, I would focus on scraping and then application and agitation. Wire wheel or sand blast as a last resort.