Stained decks and doors

I’ve been reading a lot on here for a month or so before creating account everyday learned a lot I know a lot of y’all plastic off or avoid getting sh on stained doors but how does that differ from newly stained or still nicely stained decks what do y’all do with stained decks thanks guys

I water down the deck before, during, and after spraying chemical on siding if attached to a wood deck. Dilution is key. Some people might use a tarp too


If it’s just house wash mix it isn’t really strong enough to have to worry about laying a tarp. Just pre wet and instantly rinse with clean water after soaping and after rinsing. Now, if I’m doing a roof or stucco and, there’s a possibility I might hit the deck, I’ll be more careful and might lay a tarp down.

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Thank you for response haven’t been able to get back on here until now phone issues

Thanks a lot