Square Footage

I’ve read on multiple websites regarding measuring square footage for pressure washing that it is length x width = X than divide X by 1.35 = Priced square footage.

Hi, for the life of me, cannot figure out why you would do that, I have always priced square footage off of length x width. Is that a thing?

Neve heard of dong it this way.
Sqft. Is L x W.

L x w x height gives you the surface area of a building or house. L x w is square footage for flat work.

So you charge $740.74 for a 1000 sq. ft. driveway??? I’ll take that equation all day!

Easier solution is go on Redfin and read the square footage number…deduct the underground % of any basement areas, and carry on. If that isn’t there, then L x W x # of floors (minus below ground).

No, that gives you the volume, not square footage.

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'Tis true… LxWx2xH would give you exterior surface area