Spotty house


I have done over 50 houses since I began power washing and came across something new yesterday. I washed this house with a 50/50 mix and I downstream it.

The house dried out super botchy and I can see some spots with stripes.

How do I fix this? Or can anyone point out to the link where this was already discussed?


Need a pic.

It kinda looks like this. Not the actual house. Did I not rinse correctly. I have not come across this before. Too much soap? Too much pressure? Oxidation?


I put a picture. It sort of looks like the pic although is not the actual house.


Oxidation and you hit it with too much pressure. Now you need to brush that whole area with degreaser (do some searching, other chems could work too) and hope it evens out some.

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That looks like the oxidation was disturbed…from using too much pressure.

I’d look at using eacochem’s product. I forgot what it’s called. But people have had some success with it. Search for that on here.

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Is Cleansol BC, bought a gallon but have not yet used it. I agree, think you may have used to much pressure or wrong tip but possibly it was done by homeowner or previous house wash person?? Always give the house a good look before and don’t be afraid to take pictures. Let the chemicals do the work, don’t blast it off.

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Definitely looks like wand marks.