Softwash tank

Any experience with these totes as softwash tanks? Prefering to skip the cage, but curious about their durability. Thanks.

Too thin, they are designed to have a cage. Note the cage marks on the plastic.

Get an actual sturdy tank. That one is too big for SH anyway, I do just fine with <20 gallons with housewashes.

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Thanks. I was looking at the 25 gal sprayer tanks, but wasnt sure it would be suitable.

Approx. how many times do you refill it on an “average” house/roof? I guess a better way of asking would be, approx how many sq feet do you get from a tank?

Huge difference between houses and roofs.

I have separate tanks for each because it’s THAT different.

15 gallons of SH for soft washing. Can do 2-3 houses depending.

55 gal tank for 12v setup. Can usually do at least 2, maybe a third, depending on square footage and what’s up on roof.

A lot of my morning is prepping to make sure I have enough chems in truck topped off to not have to go back and forth during my day.

When I was batch mixing I could use a 55 gallon drum for the batch but it was an absolute pain in the butt logistically. Set yourself up right from the get go, or if you don’t have cash right away, go into batch mixing but get out of it ASAP


I would suggest you hold off doing roofs until you gain experience doing housewashes. There’s just too much that can go wrong, and many insurers won’t cover roofs.