Soft start for motors on generator

This 15A soft start has come in handy for me. Limits current draw on startup so you do not trip off generator or for those with older tools like me changes them over to a soft start like most today. Here is a wiring diagram also on Amazon reviews more information.
Blue is neutral (AC white), brown is input hot (AC black), black is output hot (to motor)
Read a bit before using, it is different if wiring to a tablesaw or like me for a vacuum and pumps. Hope this helps someone with the AMP surge on startup even for camping. Should have got some pictures, will go back after some other modification completed and take a couple pictures. For $8.61 can save a lot of aggravation, going to order 2 more for myself.


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Is this related to PW somehow?

“Is this related to PW somehow?”

If you have a smaller generator the surge from starting this (used to keep water out of storm drains) can cause it to trip off. soft start limits current on startup. from category label “This category is for you the “tinkerer”. Post pictures and videos, as well as text, of some of your favorite modifications, inventions and other whatnot.” Put a borescope mounted on a extension wand with 2 inch vacuum hose for cleaning gutters with water. Works great if they are not plugged and you can see if they are cleaned plus take pictures. Need more vacuum power however. In the process of building a 210 cfm vac for this purpose. Not done yet but found the softstart so helpful with the Karcher setup thought would post info.