Sleep loss

And hang a huge Squids/Vet owned banner off the garage while you work!


That’s a heck of an idea too. This is a huge project with a lot of eyes on it.

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As @CCS suggested. Get a sweeper company in there first. Will save you a ton of time grief.

Post is old but I know for a fact he’s not. He’d probably get upset and run off the forum if he ever joined. He’s said he doesn’t have insurance for pw cause it’s expensive. Still charges like $100, used to be $70 for 1 story. And said something like you won’t learn much from forums.

Oh man, I know what nightmare I am going to have tonight. Thanks a lot.

He is a landscaper by trade, and a part-time pressure washer. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But I wouldn’t take advice from a guy that buys bleach at walmart by the bottle. IMHO

He knows some things like downstreaming but yea pretty much. He’s also a part time landscaper though. So having insurance for that but not PW makes no sense

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