Single apartment unit cleaning


I got a call from a guy that lives in an apartment complex. He tried to get the management to clean the outside for a couple years but they just told him it’s up to the renter. He wants the hallway and outside of his second story unit washed, apparently stuffed with dirt and cobwebs.

I told him I would try to contact management personally and get permission in writing first, but is there anything else I’m missing?

Probably notify those that live below if they have stuff in the breezeway or will be coming and going during the cleaning. Might be able to get a few neighbors on board as well.

You don’t want anything to do with that. If there are pull stations the complex will have to put the alarms on test. If they let you do it, they are opening their selves up to all the tenants being able to.

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Pull stations…for pressure washing? Is that protocol?

Alarms panels are $1800 and Pull stations are about $350 plus the service call. We bag and tape them every day. plus you have to tape every keyhole or bleach will corrode the and key won’t work. Fire departments usually charge $250 for a false alarm call when you get the pull stations wet :slight_smile: At least if the complex puts them in test mode for 8 hours and they go off the fire department won’t show up

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I would not do it for one unit only. I would tell him if he gets everyone on board you can wash everything. But i really don’t see how this is not taken care of by the owner of the building.

Maybe do only a window cleaning and wipe spider webs off with your wfp?

Ah fantastic information, thanks William. I figured you were the one to ask.