Show me your gnarliest roofs you've ever done

You’ve embarrassed me Racer lol. That joke of a proposal was hinted at years ago, back in the day the farmers called it the flatulence tax lol, it was so bizarre and disconnected from reality people just laughed it off and did the “yeah yeah Whatever! Not on my land” and Never went through after major backlash. I’m surprised its been brought up again and looks like it’s going ahead. They encourage farming over here, call it “culture” and “the great outdoors” and then rinse farmers for what it’s worth. I never used to get hassled at the boat ramp after a session on the water, nowadays i pull in and have to deal with the ministry of fisheries, 3 large males with stab proof vests and pepper spray, I kid you not, and their sole job is to check the boats for undersized fish and issue fines. It’s all but surely heading south down here rick. Not happy.

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With the way the world is going and the people running it over at the WEF, climate change is being pushed heavily to usher in agenda21 (or 2030 it’s got 2 names) and ultimately a nwo. If you’re not familiar with agenda21 look into it, but basically it’s the plan to remove people from rural areas, put them all in the cities in tall stack and pack apartments. Take away private land rights even private home rights and basically anything that “pollutes“ in the name of saving the planet from climate change. Just like they’re doing with our gas engines here in California, we’re not supposed to be able to have them anymore for Pressure Washer‘s and for things like that. Everything has to be electric. That’s one of the main reasons that gas prices are outrageous right now is because they don’t want people using gas anymore. MasterCard rolled out a voluntary (for now) pilot program that basically cuts your card off if you purchase too much stuff within the month in an effort to stop your carbon footprint. On that note, I always thought New Zealand might be an awesome place to escape to get out of America if needed. Seems like they’re doing you guys the same as us though…


Yep, welcome to the brave new world

I always thought the same Sean, would be a great place to get away to. Where men are men and the sheep are scared, lol. Won’t be long before @MuscleMyHustle’s nice engines he shows us pics of, will be in a museum.


Don’t get me wrong @Seandz, its nothing like California lol it’s a great place to be and visit. I guess I’m of the age where I’ve seen both sides of freedom and also the tightening of those freedoms. Things are surely changing, as Rick said the brave new world.

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Should that happen I’m moving to alaska, right in the center of Juneau, preferably same street as @Dallsheep to annoy the heck out of him, might even bring a tote of 12.5 if he’s a good boy.


It’s a good street. Our house is the house that all the neighborhood kids play at with our boys. Used to feel pretty separated from the BS going on down south, but a lot of people have moved from there to here and are trying to make it like there unfortunately.

Using the earnings I’ve made so far this summer I Just bought a 2019 Suzuki 200hp outboard for my boat so it should be up and running in the next few weeks. Come up here as a feeler/vacation. I’ll put ya up and we’ll go fishing!

I feel so blessed to have found this forum and having the guts to start my own business. I’m only upset that I hadn’t done this sooner!

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Very kind of you :+1:. Ive currently got the 350hp Suzuki on my own boat, 3200 hours runs amazing, Maintain it and you’ll love it.


That’s nice, and as clean as can be!

I’m definitely keeping all the options open for us possibly ever moving. No idea where yet. My mom is out in Tennessee and and keeps asking me to move out there lol. If Commyfornia keeps going in the same direction I may join her out there.

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From what I understand pressure washing does very well in TN.

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The thing is i think it’s coming everywhere, soon maybe we’ll have to check our social credit score to see if we’re allowed to buy meat that week. Here in Canada it seems the current government is doing everything they can to destroy the economy. All kinds of crazy laws lately to remove our rights. It’s not local. It’s global. Call me crazy and ban me off the forum if you’d like, a global government is coming, as prophesied in Revelations.


Is it just me or do you guys do gnarly roofs?

This one I was on for 9 hours and only got 3/4 done. Took me 3 hours of leaf blowing this thing to remove moss and pine needles. That pretty much set the tone for the day. Was cloudy so it was drying slowly and just insanely gross. I don’t think the pictures do it justice to be honest.

I was hitting this stuff with 4 percent or so. I’ll have some after photos in a few weeks when I get home from work to finish it.

This roof was so much larger than anticipated. If I know now what it entailed, I’d have charged double. Whoops!

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Finished it with my poor wounded pressure washer. Took me about 16 hours total but looks much better. I think I’m at the point where if someone asks me to work on their metal roof I just think whatever I want to charge and then double it in the hopes of them saying no because they are the friggin worst. I was hitting this stuff with 7.5 percent and it was taking multiple passes as well as brush work. Was brutal.

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16 hours? Did you finish your book at least? Lol

This was our favorite job of the week, flat roof covered in Oregon Coast Spruce needles


Ha! I wish. I didn’t keep meticulous notes but the first day was 3 hours of leaf blowing up there and that really set the pace. Also this place might have been built on an ancient Indian burial ground because literally anything that could go wrong did.

For example yesterday my fancy commercial battery sprayer gave up the ghost after 1 use so I had to fall back to my pump sprayer. I ended up trying to use the xjet to speed up the process but ran into some trouble. Needed a stronger mix with it and it was making too much over spray so had to go back to old faithful. I was hitting some spots with 7.5% multiple times and it was still putting up a good fight.

So yeah a few hours of that was me dicking around with equipment and such. Whatever. I’m glad it’s over and I’m learning new things every job. Probably learning less than what racer forgets every day but I’ll take what I can get.

This job will pay for my oil tank to be filled for winter and I am so grateful for this forum.


Man. That looks like the PNW was wanting to reclaim that house :joy: is that covered under a regular roof clean or do you tack on extra for something like that?

I told the homeowner we would get all the debris off the roof, and get the gutters cleaned out, but there was no way I was going to do anything else to that roof, what a disaster situation. Apparently, his only motivation for doing the job was he wanted to list it for sale lol

I thought I was looking at a gardening post at first glance. That was more of an excavation project than a roof cleaning.


Does bleach leave any long lasting residue on rooftops / affect the shingles in any way? How does it fair against other Biocides? I get that you’re using a diluted mix… that’s a lot of moss.