Shooter tip and holders

You’ll be much happier soaping and rinsing with an 0040. Don’t get sucked into the shooter tip hype. a 6 inch straight nipple has the exact same effect.

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I have read that about the 6" nipple. We run a 12" lance on our 2315’s and the J rod on the end of that.

We have never had an issue high rinsing with with a 0010 to shut off the soap. We use 2540 and 2510 for 1 story stuff. Always thought it was pretty cool to control the soap right at the gun. I always figured a remote controller was something else to go bad in the field.

I was just interested in the shooter tips to maybe gain a little more height when needed. 99% of everything in our area is 2 story or less. Have a few bigger jobs coming up that are 3/3.5 story.

Finally had a chance to do a little real world testing between the shooter tip and regular ones. This is with a 4 GPM/4,000 PSI machine with 200 ft of pressure hose and injector installed after the unloader. There was very slight breeze.

The standard 0040 high soap tip at the end of our 12" lance hits about 3 stories max.

The 4 to 8 GPM Davis shooter tip at the end of a 12" lance gained a noticeable 5 to 6 feet and hit about 3.5 stories.

Just out of curiosity we decided to try a Siamese kit we had laying around the shop and hooked both 4 GPM machines together. With the shooter tip we were able to hit about 4.5 stories and gained a solid 10 ft over one machine with the shooter tip. I could definitely see why you would want 8 GPM machines when washing tall multi unit buildings!


So it’s safe to say that the Davis Shooter tip will reach higher than the 0010 on a Jrod?

Overall yes.
But i dont use 0010. That would be too much pressure for house wash.
Based on my experience if it doesnt draw soap it prob too much pressure.
You should try 0040

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I use both. I like 0010 for 2nd story gutters sometimes.

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