SH Going Bad in Truck Tank

Yikes dude!


Its a real mans bleach. Not the pool shock you Yankees buy.

Doesnā€™t hurt or anything. It just leaves my fingers slimy feeling which is annoying.

I hate that feeling. It seems like no matter how many times I wash my hands it wonā€™t go away for a couple of days. I wear nitrile gloves religiously but the cheapo harbor freight ones tear very easily. Thank God theyā€™re cheap.

Have you tried the 9mm ones?

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Carry a 9mm everyday.

Oh, you mean the gloves. I have no clue Iā€™ll have to look at the box in the morning. Theyā€™re blue and cheap so I just grab a couple boxes when I get to the checkout line since theyā€™re always right there

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The 9mm are black. They last longer. :+1:

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My 9mm is black too but I donā€™t see colors.

Oh, youā€™re talking about the gloves again. LOL just yanking your chain. Iā€™ll have to look around next time Iā€™m in there. Iā€™ve never seen the black ones but they may not put those up front like the cheapo depot ones


Iā€™ve tried quite a few different gloves over the years just for around the garage and these have been the best so far. Iā€™ve tried probably 8 different brands and then ran across the Diamond. Those black ones that @Sasquatch is talking about wonā€™t tear either and are good gloves but I like the Diamond Flex better. Seem to be more comfortable too. It would probably help if I actually remembered to wear them. I think Iā€™ve put them on once this season. I normally buy them to wear at home if Iā€™m cleaning an engine part in the parts tank. I do keep a box on my trailer so should throw them on more.

If you get the black ones from harbor freight Iā€™d go up a size. I normally wear large but can hardly get the black gloves on unless I get XL.


Common mistake but youā€™re supposed to grease your hands BEFORE you put them on and not after!

My hands are usually greased up before. Unintentionally of course because I always forget to put the gloves on so just donā€™t wear them. In the winter my hands get so dry I get those splits or whatever you want to call them. Maybe if I take your advice and smear a bunch of bearing grease on my hands and, then put the gloves on, Iā€™ll have smooth silky skin.

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