SH alternative

Good morning - newbie here. I’ve done 30 jobs. I use SH only. I am having bad reactions to the SH. I wear all my PPE. I have very odd and bad headaches, my chest hurts, and rib area aches. Has anyone dealt with this?
I do not want to leave the business - what are my alternatives to SH?? TIA

Ok, lets start at the base - if your idea of PPE is a $1 anti covid mask then that isn’t doing diddly squat. If you are wearing a respirator with the approved and recommended filters and are still having issue, you need to go get an allergy test from your doctor. If you are using approved filters, they don’t last forever - they have to be changed.

Ok, lets take the next steps - ribs hurting- are you a fatty? Are you young or old? My ribs hurt me every spring from my fat old butt sitting around all winter doing nothing. I am stretching and reaching in ways I didn’t for months. I’m a little older, so things hurt quicker than they used to. If you are coughing a lot you might have rib pain.

There are tons of alternatives to SH, all are slower, more cumbersome, and most will require brushing. Your estimates will be higher, but not due to chem prices, just due to the length of time you will spend washing.

Go see a Doctor.


Look, you need an expert opinion, and in this case that would be a doctor. If you are using proper PPE, it shouldn’t be happening unless you are having an allergic reaction. Lots of people say they use PPE, but read the box and see what chems that mask screens for. I think @Seandz was having some issues with a mask and filters a couple of years ago, maybe he will chime in.

Headaches could be caused from everything from poor hydration to diabetes. Only a doctor can tell you, not someone on this forum. Several members here have commented that they are sensitive to some chems, but not others that most of us use. Everyone is different.

Sodium percarbonate, soap and water and a brush, quats, those are some of your alternatives. Quats are pricey. There are other chems to use as well, but you have to do your own due diligence.

Don’t wash for a week or two, if everything clears up then maybe washing is the problem.

Washing isn’t worth your health, there are lots of ways to make money.

I hope things work out for you. Get tested. It’s raining and I am procrastinating on doing estimates and returning calls from yesterday I didn’t get to.

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You’re not using your PPE properly or you don’t have the right PPE.

The strength of our SH for houses shouldn’t cause anyone a problem with the right PPE.

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At 30 houses I’m sure you know your SH % but just to double check, you’re at about 1% SH right? Or are you on a hot roof throwing down 6%?

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Just 1%

What mask are you using?

Are you using these?