Severe Chalking on vinyl siding

Someone help me on a product that will help eliminate the damage from the last one to wash this house. It appears they used a high concentration of bleach and I don’t know is they even rinsed the house. The chalk on the siding is horrible. Help . Please email me at

Got any pictures? Probably oxidation and not left over residue from the last cleaning.

I will try to get some pics tomorrow morning. I know it has a lot of oxidation. It might have to do with our extreme heat and humidity here in South Alabama. Thanks for your response.

I am new to uploading pictures. I hope you can zoom in on some of them. I am afraid if I wash this house it will look horrible. I believe 3 sides of the house have been painted. That is why the chalking on my hand is so bad. You can see a blue where the color is thin.

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Maybe these are correct .If you zoom in you can see a blue coming through. Thanks for any help here. I have done this before and had to get on a ladder . Not anymore. Next week I turn 71.:grin:

I would confirm that has been done over blue siding. And if true- I myself would walk away from that job.

My advice to you…

If it’s been painted, I wouldn’t do it.
If I was new to the game, I wouldn’t do it.
If I was on the older side of things, I wouldn’t do it.

Way too many houses out there to get burned on this one in so many different ways.

I would 100% pass on this job, not worth the potential headache.

Thanks. I have run into this situation before. I will explain to the homeowner what’s up.

Thanks for the advice. I’m not new to this but will explain to the homeowner what will happen if it gets washed.