Sanitizing school playground (HELP PLEASE)

I see what you did there, no mention of officer grades.:laughing:


Didn’t want to insult him :wink: I kid I kid…


Lol… :rofl:

No offense sir. @TexasPressureWashing :smile:

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hahah, ive been logged out of the site on my cell and cant remember my passowrd. luckily still auto logged on the PC i did end up building that proportioner, it works well. Im going to be adding a booster pump this year on one of the rigs that will wash houses and for that im going to use one of the expensive GF valves. You don’t need three, only need one… My surfactant I just mix in with my sh, and the water is always open. so for not to much $ you have a pretty accurate and reliable proportioner


Oh now you offended me I work for a living jarhead :joy::joy::joy:


I’ve been telling this to people for years, they look at me like an idiot from mars.

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I know I know. I’ve always wondered why Petty Officers are enlisted.It just seems like “Petty Officer” sounds more like it should be a commissioned officer. What do I know. I’m just a dumb jarhead…My head hurts. Too much thinking for me for the evening…lol

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Same thing as an NCO. Petty/non commissioned, you know same thing.

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I honestly never even thought of it that way. Makes complete sense. Just a more insulting way of putting it…lol.


We’d have a lot less wars if it was mandatory for the politicians to have their kids or grandkids be in the battles.


Haha all good made me laugh. Can’t really claim you’re dumb based on all the advice I’ve seen you give out. Cheers brother

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That is a fact. I think a few more mandatory regulations for politicians could really change some things for the better. They also ought to make it mandatory that no member of congress can leave office with more assets than they entered with. No, not that. That would just keep the same ones in office even longer than some are already staying. Maybe no new assets on a yearly basis. I better stop. Politics will derail this thread something fierce…lol


Well we totally changed subjects here.

Listen fellas we all started somewhere and I know you guys asked questions when you needed to. I have looked around here and there aint enough conversation about daycare playground equipment. So the real question is. I got hired to do a job at a daycare, where they want me to clean and remove mold from the playground equipment. Now we are talking about cleaning equipment that is intended for kids use. Anyone can give me an advise if using 3-1 ration would be safe to sanitize and clean the equipment, of course it will be wash off with lots of water. Thank you and I hope I get any advise.

I thought I already did. It might help if you tell us how you plan to apply it. You want 1% hitting the surface so most would just down stream their house wash mix. Nobody can tell you exactly how to get 1% hitting the surface if you don’t tell us how you plan on applying. If you plan on down streaming through your pressure you’ll likely have to use straight 12.5 SH and some surfactant (house wash mix) but that depends on your equipment. Not all machines or injectors pull the same. If you plan applying with a 12v or pump up just dilute it down to about 1% for direct application. Down streaming would be the easiest if a 1% mix will work. As with most jobs start with a low percentage and increase if need be.

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I am planning on using a back sprayer then just wash it off.

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Or I was plainning on using my xjet

First off; Dont ever but bleach on your back. Second; it sounds like you already have a plan so just go and do it.

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When someone mentions “house wash mix” they’re just referring to a mix of SH and a surfactant like Elemonator. 1% is the amount of SH. It’s the same mix you should be using when washing houses. You want about .5%-1% hitting the house. You can just wash the playground equipment just like you wash houses. I’m not sure if you down stream or xjet but I’d definitely recommend down streaming for house washing. It’s faster, more efficient, and you don’t have to carry a bucket around. If you need a stronger mix than your house wash mix for the playground you’ll then have to use a 12v, xjet, or pump up.

If you use a pump up on the playground equipment just dilute your SH down to get a 1% mixture. The ratio of water versus bleach depends on which strength of SH you start off with. It would only take a splash of surfactant in a pump up. 1/4 ounce per gallon would be plenty. If using an xjet you’ll have to select the orifice needed from the chart depending on the size of machine you’re using. You would want to use about about 1 oz per gallon of surfactant since it will be diluted down even further by the pressure washer. You should be able to use straight SH depending on the orifice used.