Here’s a demo of the Gempler’s Rust Converter and a rundown of my never ending battle with rust. Let me know what you guys think.
Great job, dives about as deep as I want to go without glossing over important info. Never tried Gempler but im getting some now ill update y’all on how it goes.
Great info. I’ll definitely have to add that to my arsenal. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the info. That Blaster stop stuff works great. I’m a half mile from the ocean and my hardware still looks good (knock on wood).
Nicely done my brother!
If you’ve got rust problems I feel bad for you son. I’ve got 99 problems but rust ain’t one.
Just another couple shots of the gemplers doing what the gemplers does.
Bonus: bad muffler job. I’m gonna let the pros tackle that one.
Throw some f9 on there and see what happens
On Metal that bad I bet it does hardly anything at all
Gemplers is good stuff
Naa I’m just kidding anyways… we have this on going joke with the f9…everytime we see a friend that’s pickup has rust spots… we offer to spray it down. I dout it would work but someone will say yes eventually.
I had a quart of that leak in the corner of my garage without me knowing. It ate through about 1/2in into the slab
Ospho? Or the gemplers?
Is ospho the one that smells awful when it interacts with the rust?
Smell ain’t to bad we use a mask we direct spray it with a pump sprayer we sandblasted a railcar last weekend sprayed the whole thing afterwards took 3 1/2 gallons can u direct spray the gemplers like that been paying 25 a gallon for the ospho