Roof pump decision need (advice)

Ok here’s what I need
I have been reading tons on roof pump systems I’m still on the fence. I’m kind of sold on the Fatboy BUT I have this Near new 5.6 HP wheelbarrow compressor I’d like to use.
Performance wise should I go 1/2” air diaphragm or fatboy 7gpm route I only need this for roof work
I don’t mind the noise from compressor
My budget is 700 I have a 55 plastic drum for now
Is there that much difference with the 5.5 gpm to the 7 kits at Pressure Tek

Air pump over fatboy

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I have a 1/2" aro that I bought off eBay, used, for about $200. I’ve abused it, left straight sh in it, rarely rinsed it, and over a year later it still works flawlessly. Just did a roof last week with it. There’s a guy local to me selling rebuilt 1/2" pumps for $150 and 1" pumps for $250 on Facebook marketplace. May get one from him just for the heck of it, and to have it as a backup.

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Here is what I have image What size compressor is driving The pump
I just want to make sure I’m not to far behind the electrics with my compressor

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Mine’s a northern tool discontinued model that runs about 13.7 CFM @ 90 psi. From what I understand, those wheelbarrow compressors work fine with 1/2" pumps. I only run about 40-60 psi, so CFM should be even higher than the 90 psi rating.

Your set. Keep us informed on putting the pieces together.

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Yeah new pumps look like 700 from power wash products have to find used that’s the whole budget.
Not crazy about that but…

Don’t know where you’re located, but maybe give this guy a call. Redirecting...

That $700 pump at pwp will last you as long as you want it to. I have one that’s at least 7 or 8 years old still in service

Ok pushing this out a few weeks it’s gonna take more cash. Thanks

I’m in DE but thanks

Does this look any good?

Could be ya never know until you buy one. The ones at pwp are kynar not poly and set up for SH. If those aren’t they won’t last very long. The wet end kit for SH is about $100. Assuming the motor is good and the internals are good like the shaft

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Ok I’m sold thanks