Roof Cleaning Service

I started roof cleaning service a few days back. Please wish me good luck for future business


Are you sure the surface cleaner on the roof is the best way?

Hope it works out for you.
Noticed your website doesn’t perform well on my phone. May be a good idea to work on that as a lot of people use their phones to check out websites etc

Oh no. Please read up on the proper way to clean a roof.

I mean, if it results in needing an annual roof cleaning…then I guess it’s a successful endeavor., lol. To be fair though, there are a few roof surfaces where the SC might be OK to use, although I doubt it would ever be worth the effort ot get it up there IMO.

That website is pure gold for entertainment though.

Yes… you can use pressure on tile/concrete roofs. Heres some info from one of the msnufacturers of tile roofs:

Does lichen growth affect the durability of roof tiles?

In some climates, moss and lichen can grow on your tiles. They will not affect your tiles in any way, and can add character to your roof. However, if you prefer the clean lines of your tiles, both moss and lichen can be easily removed with high pressure water jet cleaning or by using other commercially available cleaning products. (Always consider the environment when using chemical products).

I have done both ways but theres some pros and cons with each one so it comes down to preference amd sometimes when youre starting off you might not have a choice but to pressure clean.

Pressure washing

No brushing (if lots of moss) (i live in pacific north west so lots of it “natures carpet” as i like to call it)
Can use surface cleaner (making cleaning and work quality more even).
Way way way more profitable than soft washing (your only expense is gas and helper(s) if you have any.

Monumental mess
Get the sides of the house alot more dirty (specially if you dont clean the gutters first, then water pools amd starts going down the side of the house and you end up having to rinse it (adding more time)
Maybe gotta clean up neighbours side (make sure client talks to neighbours to let them know about the mess coming up)
If they have an awning in the back patio you will have to clean it
Mess on the garden/grass
Garbage grows back quicker
If you have some crazy pitches on the roof good luck pressure washing it, it doeable (i have done it dozens of times but if you scared of heights/pitches might be a good idea to pass the work)

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Wait please tell me thats photoshop and an early april fools joke.

I just clicked on the link he provided to his website and landed on that pic. However i first thought they were asphalt shingles, i saw afterwards that it looks like some sort of tile? Still looks like softwash would be the way to go…

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Looks like concrete shingles and he’s braver than I am, even tied off, those are some steep roofs.


So if i may try to help improve, my opinion is:
-I like that the site is simple, clean look.
-Which facilities? Washrooms?
-I would prefer not to have someone blow my roof off. It would get expensive quick.
-If you have an advertised price of 250$, does that apply to a 8,000 square foot roof with a 14/12 pitch? Maybe put “starting at $” ?

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Timberline HDZ - America’s best selling roof shingle | GAF
Saw this in an ad today. Apparently GAF is selling shingles now with “Algae Protection”. May be something to look out for as this is tied in with their warranty. Can you even clean a roof with this stuff on it?

A lot of the roofing companies been selling that stuff for years. Doesn’t work all that great around here. After that roof has been sitting and exposed to the elements for 4-5 years, you really think that its going to keep something that grows on the surface of the shingle from happening. They work by having some granules that have copper in them that slowly release. Most warranty them about 10 years. And in the right environment, the copper doesn’t do squat. If you live somewhere that it’s not hot and humid they probably help.

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Ok so I dug around and found the warranty info here: 23303.pdf (
In the literature it states that the copper treatment only applies to blue-green algae, so any other growth like mold, moss, fungus, and/or lichen would not be covered. So even if the treatment worked it’s still possible somebody would call to clean the other kinds of material.
I guess the next question is, would you pass on it or would you clean it with a liability disclaimer? SH does degrade copper after all. The GAF warranty does mention they (GAF) would clean the roof if the treatment was ineffective, but they don’t mention if they have a special chem they use or if they use a normal roof wash.

Yeah, we’ve been contacted several times to do warranty work on these shingles….most after 3-5 years after installation. They do pay to have them cleaned though.