Roof cleaning question re rinse

I have done tile roofs back in the day but now as you know we only do flat surface. My wife wants me to do our shingle roof. Its a 3 year old roof, not really bad but it has darkened in that time. Im quite aware of not using pressure on shingles and will soft wash it. I can get 4.8% out of the x jet. My question is different pros have opposite opinions about rinse or not. Some guys say apply SH with a good pro surfactant and leave it, and other guys say apply, dwell, and rinse. It’s a 1700 sq ft single story typical florida house so my next question is will my 35 gallon chem tank be enough to lay it on thick? Wanting to hear your opinions and hoping racer will chime in. Gotta get this right, a happy wife is a happy life. Lol.

Don’t rinse. What rain is for, lol. Doubt you need more than 3% on it, especially if like most homes there and relatively shallow pitch roof. But won’t hurt to be slightly stronger, you just use more chem. Post before and after for us. And you don’t need to lay it on thick unless really nasty, just a nice even coat.

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Thanks Racer. Done deal. You da man.

Should 35 gallons of SH do the job? I would think so.

That’ll wash 2-3 houses


I was going to post and then read @Racer already said exactly what I was going to say :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I must be learning something…

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Spray on thick and heavy and forget about it.

Fergettabout it. Must be from NY. Love it.