Roof cleaning, guaranteed for 3 years

Do any of you all guarantee your roof cleaning jobs, and if so for how long?

I don’t think you need to do that to make a sale. I know sws has something like that but the wording is trickery.

I used to. Waste of time, you’ll get certain individuals calling you back every year trying it on. Some think it’s a pay once lifetime maintenance programme. I’m good.

I warranty all roof cleaning 2 years . Every hoa and apartment complex wants to see a guarantee before they drop 20-40k
Even my residential roofs get 2 years .
Only recleaned 3 roofs in 12 years


Looking for some more info on this because I just had someone ask me “What guarantee do you offer?” I am doing a section of their roof and soft washing the house.

What are you guaranteeing exactly ? That it looks good ? Nothing will come back in a certain amount of time ?

@PennWashing essentially you are guaranteeing organic growth to not return in x amount of time.

Gotcha … thats a tough call. I haven’t had enough repeat customers yet to determine what a safe timeframe is to offer.