Honestly I don’t think you ever disrespected me. Maybe you did. Who knows. My skin is thick and I can take it. But I can also dish it out. Most people cant take it. Just been my experience. My problem with your comments are your disrespect for Robert. And the accusations that so many have toward him. Why not call him? No you would rather come on the boards and result in the BS. And yes I do believe you are influenced as many others are by the West Coast Mafia…LOL.
Some things don’t change Guy. We did meet but then again you don’t remember that. So…let me ask you this. When is enough enough Guy? Several people asked questions. Allison did very good research and reported FACTS!!! And yet it still is never enough? That’s total BS! You guys remind me of a dog chasing its own tail. He just keeps going and going. Sooner or later he may catch but guess what? He ended up with crap in his mouth. Good tasting CRAP. Instead of making vague comments why don’t you spill the beans on what you were referring to that you heard??? I did. And I will defend Robert because I have a history of knowing exactly where he is coming from and not the BS lies some seem to leave to interpretation.