Remote downstream setup

Y’all are like Malcolm in the Middle. When Mom’s away the boys will play

She only played for a couple years and was pretty good. Once high school hit she decided to focus more on her artwork. She never really cared for band.

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That sounds like a scene from a movie.

My brother was a band nerd for a few years. He played cornet. I gave him hell for it all the time lol but, unlike your daughter, he was absolutely horrible and I’m pretty sure tone deaf.

That’s funny.

One day, when the kids were 11, 9, and 7, my wife goes into a pharmacy. I’m in the van with the kids and on a call for work. They were making me crazy jumping around and such. So I give my youngest son 9 my leatherman to distract him. I tell them, “Don’t touch the knives.” 3 mins later he and his little sister had both cut their thumbs and were bleeding! My wife had be gone less then 10mins!


Haha…If I’m not so sure how I would’ve felt if she was a boy and chose band over football. Nah, I would’ve have said anything and still encouraged but I can’t said it would’ve have bugged me.

When I was in like 3rd grade my parents had the great idea that they were going to make me take piano lessons. I threw freaking fit but didn’t have a choice. After school all the neighbor kids would be over in our backyard and we’d be playing football. Mom would then yell out the back door, “Brian, time for piano lessons” and I would get so embarrassed and mad that I had to stop playing football for 30 minutes and because my buddies would all laugh…lol Finally after about a year of bickering and throwing a fit they let me quit. They sat me down trying to talk me into continuing with them and said one day when I get their age I’ll look back and be really happy and thankful I learned how to play it. Well, 30 some years later and, now that I’m older and wiser than I was at that age, I still cringe when I think about my mom yelling out the backdoor saying it’s time for those stupid lessons. I could care less about the piano then and I can care even less now.

To each their own it just wasn’t for me. I’d rather do something where I had a chance of getting hurt.


They’d throw you in jail for that today.

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Sounds like you could play “Cry Me a River” pretty good, piano boy. Hahaahahaaah


Hahaha…I know right. I sound like you moaning and groaning about not being able to go to the steak buffet.


Does that not look Amazing ?

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That’s just cold!

One last thing before I go…“Brian, time for piano lessons”


Damn, now I’m hungry again!



Probably tastes similar to one of those Tomahawk steaks.

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Lol. I wouldn’t know.
I do know what a lame arse overpriced wine and cheese train ride tastes like. @marinegrunt.

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Dance to it Coop!


Brian’s channel


LOL well in his defence he was also the starting QB in school. He never actually got to perform with the band because he was suited up. Knowing how to play piano would be awesome but I feel like that’s an instrument that you have to really be devoted to.

That was a blast from the past.

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Lol im old school. Heres his channel