Quote on Parking garage

What would you guys quote on this parking garage? It’s is a 6 level. Is it typical to do just a blow out or a full chemical clean? What do you guys do with parking garages? It’s my first one and need advice… thanks

I recently bid a parking garage at $30k. I was told that was too low by someone who’s washed garages locally. The local custruction company came back and said they only have $7000 budgeted. Now I’m waiting for it to pass through 100 different hands to get an answer.

I’m about as confused by parking garages as I am spending more than $1 for coffee.

I hope you get some answers because I’m curious too.

Was that collecting waste water also? What chemical to use on this? Oxalic?

You changed your profile picture and threw me off! I’m interested in this as well. Just for a down the road ticket…

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Id sub it out to the guy (not sure what his name was) that makes $773726263847263738 in 8 half days of working for the full year doing parking garages.


@Steve inspired me and now I can’t find my original pic.


There’s no grease. It’s new construction so just dust. That’s with me riding around a Tennant S20 for a day like Forrest Gump and just washing down the dust. And 4 stair wells.

Not trying to be ugly or sound harsh, but of you have to ask then you aren’t prepared to do the work. That’s multiple machines on rigs short enough to make it under the low clearance and lots of reclaim capability. I did a small 3 level garage about 15 years ago way before anyone thought about reclaim and lost my shirt. Shoveled a pickup bed full of silt and dirt that ended up at the bottom after it took me about 4 times longer than i thought it would. Never again.


That thing looks awesome… be fun for about the first hour.


Yeah. This is half the battle. The F250 won’t make it and the tundra would have to lose the ladder racks.

Except my new profile pic still looks like me. The ancient stone version of me…

Thanks, I will pass on this one… if anyone in the Chattanooga Tn area wants it… lol

Call Chad Johnson with East Tennessee Pressure Washing. I subbed him all my work in Knoxville and Chattanooga last year. He’s done work for me for 10 years.