I was not involved in this event so please don’t refer to it as the Hinderliters
I was involve as Steamaway (the only company I owned at the time) at the time the BMP’s were created for the City of Fort Worth in the early 90’s. It took a public comment period and the effort of local contracts and distributors to keep the local car wash lobby and grease trap hauler from having a substantial impact on what was being written. I will concur the Robert spear headed the effort.
Also, I am aware that the City Fort Worth BMP’s were changed but I am not aware of any substantial changes. I could be wrong but from what I recall they are basically the same with changes in wording making them simpler to follow and understand. I still do things the same today as I did back then. If I am missing something in respect to the Fort Worth BMP’s please elaborate. I might need to start doing things differently.
Michael, I apologize to you for including you in my comment. It should have been directed to Robert only.
Thank You, William
Guy, I don’t believe that Randolph ever said our industry was to blame for suffocating birds with 6 pack rings… just saying. For the record Robert is not the president of the united states. He does not write the law or BMPs. Even if he gives advice in the end the regulators write them, I don’t believe it was Robert that woke up one day and decided to say hot water is an emulsifier. Did you ever think that it might have been another idiot who thought that crap and that Robert was only reading what the law states. You may think a law is dumb, but that doesn’t mean the person reading it agrees with it. You asked for the proof, so now you prove to me and everyone else that Robert is shopping BMPs. Discussing them is NOT shopping them. Giving advice is NOT shopping them. If or when I attend one of Robert’s lectures I want the truth, the law. It doesn’t matter whether he agrees with that law or not, only that he tells it how it is.
Kris, I’m not going to banter back and forth with you on semantics, word splitting, difference of opinion or fact.
The evidence presented is quite clear in this matter…The Damage is done…The Horse Is Dead.
Just Saying…
Double Post
I can only shake my head in bewilderment.
Trying to get bmp’s changed to your own is shopping them.
You’re right Guy, the horse is dead. You guys beat it to death. Keep living under a rock. I’ll be here, in the real word.
Just saying.
Greg Nash, Just for the record some of us don’t get along and we may even dislike each other, but we NEVER wish them to go out of business. Yeah I read what you wrote over there, and you really should be ashamed of yourself.
Just in case you don’t know what I’m refering to
Written by Greg Nash; “…on a side note I get dib’s on his hydrotek next year when he’s out of business”
I wish about 90% of y’all would go out of business. Your are a strange cat but I guess it takes all types to make the world go round. Ignoring the truth does not make you live in the real world. But as with others, it’s like arguing with a phone pole. Carry on.
I didn’t say I wished I said when. You don’t think unrealistic bmp’s would put people out of business you don’t seem to have a problem with that.
There used to be a lady out around you who regulated her way out of business look it up.
I absolutely agree that unrealistic BMPs will put contractors out of business. I just don’t agree that PWNA is to blame for those unrealistic BMPs being made. I mean unless PWNA are now regulators for the entire united states and is now officially writing the BMP’s.
As far as your comment goes. Doesn’t matter what way you said it, but just that us real professionals wouldn’t say that about another mans business regardless of how we personally feel about them. Your comment was rude and uncalled for, period. I would never say that, but hey maybe I’m a better man than you. I want people to succeed in this industry. I don’t care if I like you or don’t like you. I wish everyone the best on this road.
Were does this real professionals comment keep coming from. I am a real professional. Since 1998. Many trucks on the road and many guys on payroll. I have no problem with you or any other contractor going out of business. I wish you would. Especially if you are in one of the five states we cover. Do you think MacDonald’s CEOs are sitting around the board table and wishing that Wendy’s or Taco Bell would stay in business or open up across the street from them. I am sure that Ford wants Chevy to surpass them in sales. You are not living in the real world. That is the problem with org’s. They operate under the pretense of helping all contractors. Screw that. But, if you fail, you fail on your own. You don’t need someone shopping BMP’s in your area to push you out the door.
After sitting back and watching so many threads about this issue I have come to realize many things.
There is much history behind many of the arguments made here. Being a new entry into this particular field I don’t have the built up frustration and angst some have regarding certain figures in the industry or certain “hot button” issues. I can only collect facts and form my own opinions from them.
I do also feel bewildered with some of the personal attacks and insults I have read across many boards. It isn’t productive. It doesn’t bring unity within a group or a collective in my opinion.
To all of you I do not agree with, I respect your opinions and I am sure you have formed them from legitimate experiences. I apparently have different experiences. I believe that is the benefit of boards like this.
I believe we can all start and add to the conversation without having “the final word”.
.... Except tim4, he ends all conversations and I am convinced he's omnicient, haha!!
Respect to all!
Sent from my iPhone using Pressure Washing Resource
My dearest Randolph,
We shall one day be all of one accord.
And all discord will soon cease.
As soon as the people that are wrong are willing to admit it.
Until then,
Buck it up son. Realize that fully fifty percent of all brain surgeons graduated in the bottom half of their class.
There simply is no way that a bunch of soap and water squirters with giant egos are going to exist in perfect harmony.
But know this, William speaks the truth without prejudice or malice.
Except that he has little tolerance for stupid people.
You may finish this post for me . . . . . . . …
Kris Those that know me know my morals and character. I will and do help contractors in my area all the time and some help me but you better believe if they fail I am the one who is buying their equipment. When you have been in business for a few years you will see where I am coming from about that. You need to realize that this is a hot topic that could affect the way people feed their family. That in itself makes it personal for me I know what I was told and that causes concern for me. You have been antagonistic since you started to post on the boards and have not made a lot of friends You are probably a nice guy but you don’t come across as one. I apologize for the remark about your business I hope you do well with it.
I don’t see how anyone with half a brain can think the orange county bmp’s are reasonable
The current ones are greg