On a side not I just accidentally learned how to quote a reply
Gotcha! Yeah I’d be upset too but life goes on yada yada
Way out of my league .
Yeah, those gouges…
They are cosmetic though. The pump will cover most and anything else I’ll smooth back.
I wish I had a work shop, a bench, nice tools I could put my hands on when I needed them. I don’t even have a garage, it’s literally in the back garden or street for me.
I used to. A divorce took care of all of that
Oh well. It’s done now, time for my back to recover
Good thing is, after fixing the recoil, draining the fuel tank of old fuel and floaty bits, the carb bowl and air filter - it started second pull! (had to allow for fuel to get there)
I’ll drop the nasty black oil tomorrow and pop another pump on it.
Overall it was worth the $80 I paid. It’s pretty much mint condition and runs smoothly.
Thanks for all the help today, it’s like you were here with me. I know we don’t all see eye to eye on things, but there you all are to help
At least it wasn’t as bad as this one, the housing around the shaft broke away and it still would not come apart.
File down the gouge marks. Emery the shaft .
Whoa that’s a thing? I wonder if the U.S. has canned whiskey and coke.
Just looked and it doesn’t look like it. That’s genius. Or dangerous. Or both.
Ha ha - freedom measurement system , that’s funny.
I call it other stuff sometimes when I’m sitting through spanners and sockets.
I usually cut a couple of wood wedges out of a 4x4 and tap them I’m from either side. Less chance of damaging the housing. Just to help with any confusion a 4 x 4 might be called an 8.89 x 8.89 down under though.
Now I’m curious. What do you call a 2x4 or 4x4 over there?
Wood wedges would have been soooo much better.
Next time
I’d call it a 2x4 as well. I’m English originally and live in Australia, so feet/metres ounces/kilos mm/inches very messy!
I have to convert stuff too - I’m 13 stone, I mean 85KG. I’m 5’ 10” I mean 1.8 metres etc.
Great, now I gotta switch the accent when i read your posts
We call “2 x 4” a 50 x 100 and a "4 x 4 "is 100 x 100.
If I need to shorten a 100mm length of metal by 50% or 1/2 I cut off 50mm - it sounds crazy but it works lol