Pump oil change made easier

Interesting! Thanks for the link!

Its pretty new. My pump just hit 40 hrs.


So with all due respect/gooberness on my behalf…belt driven pump assembled to frame…do you guys siphon the oil out of pump or drain it? I am ready to drain and fill but…IT WILL MAKE A MESS OF OIL everywhere unless I drain and capture and repeat. Will take a mini chunk of time…but help a brotha out

I was able to pull all the oil out of my pump with the huge syringe posted above with only losing a few drops of oil. Racer has a couple links posted above to items that look very handy as well.

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This and an old plastic bowl or storage container. I just set it in the bowl and open it up and walk away to do something else. When it’s done I blast some compressed air into the fill bung on the pump and another healthy dollop usually gargles out. Easy day.