Proportioner Recommendations

I am so icked out by Cody (sp?), Aaron from lean and mean, the younger guy from forever self employed, and all American pressure washing guy that I have completely written them off.

They seem so predatory talking about how for just a few bucks they can teach you how to make a quarter million dollar plus business and that just rubs me the wrong way.

Low entry threshold targeting people unsatisfied with their current jobs and promises of something better…

Big ol brand new rigs that end up getting sold for 1/2 price because they went out of business but those outfitters are paid in full before that…

I don’t know, I’m not a wordsmith but something about it just doesn’t sit well with me.

Reading these business books lately, theres a common mindset that theres a sucker born every minute, and if you aren’t taking his money, someone else will…but trying to stay away from that philosophy for now :joy:


90% of pressure washing content on YouTube is a thinly veiled sales pitch for a course, CRM, or diamond encrusted shooter tip.


No kidding. SESW’s most recent video on YouTube is titled “In Case Anyone Forgot Who Daddy Is…” and that just seems so childish. I’m sure it’s a thinly veiled shot at a competitor or there’s some drama going on in some forum I’m not privy to but holy crap just let your products do the talking for you.


Lol that’s a funny little comic but the message rings true.

My wife knows a guy! I’ll ask her if she can make that happen :wink:

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Does a ceramic injector nozzle fall in that category? :thinking:

Tell her it’s for the good of mankind and I’m sure she’ll understand lol

Thanks SO much for posting this. Every single guy you listed are super scummy. I liked Mike (from the Atlanta area) for a bit the he went full on goofball selling his BS.

Very late to this thread, but I’m with you 100% writing Midwest off. That many calls and a vm says a lot about a business.

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Well, I went through this entire thread and thoroughly enjoyed it! Great banter as always.

So, what blend manifold did you end up getting Displaced Texan?

I’m getting ready to order one now since my pentair manifold has gone to ■■■■.

I’m curious why you dislike the GP valves? I thought they were nearly the gold standard for blending valves but I’m obviously wrong.

Lastly, for anyone reading this, what’s the consensus on those clear acrylic, transparent manifolds? I love the benefit of seeing the liquids through the manifold to determine any sort of air leaks, but I also worry they may not be super robust. Thoughts?

I got the Southeast Softwash Batch Buster. It’s very well made other than they put zero foresight into designing how it mounts. The mounting holes on the valves are offset from the rear face of the manifold so I had to build a spacer to fill that void. Honestly, that’s really my only gripe with it. The valves are top notch and the customer service I received over the phone was great. It’s very expensive and probably cost prohibitive for the majority of guys but it really is a great unit.

Now, if I had to do it over again, I’d probably go with @dperez’s blend manifold that he designed and sells. It’s extremely well made and he put a ton of thought into the design. His manifold eliminates quite a few potential leak points, has a completely CNC milled aluminum manifold, uses quality valves and seals and IT’S A FRACTION OF THE COST. Honestly, it can’t be beat. It wasn’t available when I was shopping so I got the one I got but his manifold would have undoubtedly checked all the boxes for me. I like that the Batch Buster is expandable so that you can upgrade from 12v to air or gas powered and all you need to do is swap a few fittings around but I may never end up doing that so the PW Gadgets manifold would absolutely be what I would buy if I were shopping today.

Here’s the link to the PW Gadgets Blend Manifold:

Here’s the link to the SESW Batch Buster that I have:

I also purchased the 1" fittings and the Super Ball so that I could upgrade later on so I think I have about $1400 in the Batch Buster after all the extras.


I never received any response from Midwest whatsoever. Eh, whatever then.

Just dropping in to let you know I was 3 mins away from your post :rofl:

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I know you’re always nearby. Don’t think I don’t keep tabs on you :yum:

In true PW Gadgets fashion I’ve uploaded my consciousness to AI and I’ll always be here when you need me :rofl:

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All knowing and now omnipresent? I don’t think mankind is ready for you yet.

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I kid, but seriously I have way too many fires cooking and I want my RF products out this year.

Yeah you and me both big dawg. I’ve already done a handful of jobs this season between freezes and I’m already itching for another DS controller. I need one for sure but probably go ahead and get two so both machines are set up.

I don’t know if I told you or not but I’m doing my best to integrate two control systems into one unit. One control unit with two separate remotes controling their own respective valves :ok_hand:

You know I’m just a feebleminded person with a kindergarten grasp on electronics so if you think that’s the way to go then I will defer to your mastery on those things. Just for the love of all that is holy make it stupid easy to hook up to the power source so that I don’t have to video call you just to turn the dang thing on lol