@Ikii correct me if I’m wrong but from what I see. All the way to the left would be your water valve (fully opened, middle valve 1/4 for your surfactant, and right valve SH it looks to be half opened. So the % hitting the surface is 3% solution?
The gas line with check valve
Attwood® Universal Sprayless Connector
About $14
The other connector for piping from lowes/homedepot.
And the propirtioners about $30 from ebay
Just make sure yoyr detergent has the same density or close as the SH.
I only use SH and detergent no water on my mix.
Just enough to foam and of course i use hot water on alk my jobs
Glad to see my setup made it on there. Thanks OP for giving me credit.
Bryan, if your looking to have one made, PM me on face book.
I have lots of videos and pics that show these little valves are accurate and repeatable. No need to spend upwards of $1400 when the end result is the same