Pricing help

Lately I have been reaching out to property managers and real estate companies. This morning I was asked to do a quote on a home for a property management company. My normal pricing is .15 per sq/ft. I would like to discount this rate in hopes of developing a relationship with said property management company. My question is what is the best way and how much should I discount my rate in hopes for future work from the same company.


Going by sq ft is a pain for houses. Just set yourself flat rate for a couple of different categories of houses

1 story 1,000-1,800 sq ft

1 story 1,800< sq ft

1 story with walkout

same goes for 2 story…

take off 25% let them know that you are doing that though, to show them the quality of work you do in hopes of creating a business relationship. Instead of just giving them a cheap price and setting their expectations for future work.

Sometimes giving away $50 is worth the $10,000 it could bring in.


Thanks for the information. I will definitely look into a different pricing rate!