Paint Stripping House

I have seen some other threads about this but none right to the point.

Do you offer “paint prep”

Removing old paint from a wooden house so it can be re-painted…

I keep getting calls for this service and I have always said no… Am I throwing money out the window here? How much do you charge for this prep work?

Walk Away?

I am not a pressure washer person…BUT…I am a home owner. They didn’t strip the paint off of my house. They pressure washed it with water and a caustic house wash to remove the chalking,rinsed, let it dry for two days and then they painted over the old paint.

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To me its all about their expectations and what will actually be performed. Ive done a few. I let them know up front that i will only remove the loose paint that is already loose and falling off. I will clean the material to be painted. Thats it.


I prep but I dont do cleanup. As long as the painter agreed to that in writing it’s easy money.

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Doing my buddys after work today. Its painted aluminum was gonna use reg hw mix and throw some f13 in the mix to help remove the oxidation, kind of a test for myself lol

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Do a lead test before knocking a single chip to the ground. Big money for lead based paint removal lotsa PPE & visqueen. If not lead based let the painters do it or retreat briskly.

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