Oxidation runoff removal

I had a weird one today. But if any of you were wondering what gets the white oxidation runoff off of bricks. F9 barc does a great job. High pressure rinsed first to see if I could get lucky. After that, Spray f9 on, dwell 10 mins or so and high pressure rinse off. Easy day.


what ratio did you mix your F9 at?

Looks great man.

Huh, good to know.

Straight f9. No dilution.


Looks great. Bookmarked for future reference.

I assume that the problem will repeat itself quite quickly, you might have a nice repeat client on your hands if they don’t repaint.

I’m not sure. Maybe it will. hopefully, for the sake of the homeowner, it won’t.


Hey, anyone try that Goof Off rust stain remover? $10/gal, looks interesting. Says can be used for lime and calcium too.

They are missing a couple of shutters.

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Yeah I’m not too sure why they did it like that. It’s a nice house in a very nice neighborhood. They’re having a pool installed. I think it’s intentional? Idk