Organizing incoming prospects

Hey everyone. How do y’all organize the incoming customer information from calls, texts and emails…?

We have fallen into the ugly habit of writing out our prospective clients. This has turned messy in organizing who has accepted, who has declined and who we are waiting on their response.

How does your company keep this in order…?

During our companies three seasons in business we have adopted using a CRM application (MARKATE) with great success but they don’t offer a system to easily, quickly and efficiently organize the new recent client list well…

What have you guys had good luck using…?

We use " Skynova" and it seems to work well but my wonderful wife does most of that fortunately as i’m generally a patient man but have very little patience with computers. But yes you are doing yourself a big favor to organize your system more efficiently. I can’t imagine going back to pen and notebook.

You are not using markate very well.

Inquiries section for prospects. Estimate section to follow if it was accepted, declined, viewed, etc


Note pads in my pocket that gets transferred to day planner in the truck. Lot of Fridays where I’m heading home and some calls and asks if I’m still coming. That means whatever scrap of paper I wrote it down on for lost before it got in the book lol


I don’t understand. If someone calls you tell them You are going to send them a link to a form to fill out to get all the information you need for a quote.
Send them the link to your Margate contact form and have them fill it out so that when you receive it you can automatically convert them to a customer in your customer database and make an estimate with all the information automatically placed on there for you

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I made a simple excel worksheet/form that I print out and keep copies of handy. Stack of them at my desk, extras on my clipboard. When a customer calls I use that to fill out customer info, what they want done, etc. A majority of my estimates are done in person, not a lot of vinyl box neighborhoods in my area, so having that form helps me take notes on the project, calculate pricing, etc. Info is then transferred into my CRM for the rest of the project’s life cycle.

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Customer Factor

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After I talk to a customer and seal the job (95% over the phone) I have them send me a text with their contact info, address, service requested and price. That night or following day I review the text messages and transfer the info onto a service calendar. The text will remain as a record on the phone which I do weekly reviews to make sure all is accounted for. Simple and efficient.

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