Operating 2 Businesses/Selling One?

Let’s preface this post with one word - SIMPLIFYING. That is my main goal and would thus preclude all complications - hiring employees, subcontracting, putting another truck on the road.

So, now things are starting to really shape up w PWing. I can complete 2 Wendys between 6am-12pm and make 2x more than WC (storefronts) in 8 hours.

Most of my WC income is route work.

  • Big stops but spread out (1.5 hours farthest out, both North and West).
  • 19 Wendy’s e/o week.
  • 6 @once/mo.
  • Between $75-$140 a pop.
  • Then there are cash stops garnishing the anchor stops, plus more that are condensed closer to my area.

New website built this year with SEO. So, getting more residential WC and some PW.
Business is approaching a crossroads.

So the main question is, Try to sell the Wendy’s WCing? about 45k/yr or ALL the routework = 80k/yr :roll_eyes::thinking::cold_sweat:

Condense my work area back down with higher ticket items… buy more time back…

This is something in the infant stages of thought. I still need all the income to pay off debts.

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Hire someone to do it all for you :slight_smile:
Grow grow grow

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I’d say it depends on your vision.

Are you looking to establish income from work you don’t do yourself? Or are you looking for steady work you can do yourself until you retire?

First option requires you work extra hard to build up a crew and accounts until you don’t do actual labor yourself, second requires you to work probably every day forever, past retirement age.

One interesting story is that of Craig, from Craig’s list, he started something good, but once it started to pick up steam he was quite terrible at managing it so he hired a pro to be ceo.

If you surround yourself with the right people you shouldn’t have to pick up a squeegee for the rest of your life.

Some folks don’t mind getting up early knocking out a few jobs before lunch then resting with the wife the rest of the day. You can do this if you can handle the work load as you get older.