Open trailer advertising

I’m interested in adding on to my trailer later this year by adding some form of advertising. My trailer is an open 12x8 with a gate and an IBC tote for my dump tank. I’ve seen pictures of people having vinyl signs zip tied to the back of their trailer on the gate, but I feel like that would catch a ton of wind and likely not last very long. Any pictures and ideas on what you guys do/have seen would be greatly appreciated.

The sign on the rear gate will last longer than your trailer. I had that and signs hung on both sides of tote.

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Is there a special way of securing the vinyl sign to the gate to make it last longer other that just zip ties in the 4 metal holes in the corners of the sign?

Are you going to be in business 1 year? If not get an aluminum sign made to your specs and attach it with nuts and bolts. I would advise using stainless as chems eat everything else up.


My sign guy makes mine out of fibercore or something like that. It’s a thicker, stouter version of regular sign material and then he just applies vinyl to it… Fairly rigid and last forever. Mine still look pretty good after 6 years. I just screw mine on to tailgate with sheet metal screws. about 4 across top and bottom and then a row about 1/2 way in between.

The ones on tote, just attach with 2 zip ties at each corner.


I ordered a 24x36 aluminum sign online 3 years ago for around $100 & it still looks new. It’s the thicker option (.063). I got an 8 foot 2x3 and cut it to 24" sections & spray painted them black to match. Wood screws with washers hold it to the tailgate. Drilled holes and secured it to the wood with screws. I can drop the tailgate and it won’t touch the ground. It will definitely outlast the trailer. For the tote, a local vinyl lettering company would be hard to beat.


Thank y’all for all the suggestions. I’m definitely going to look into all the options you guys have said.

Have you noticed any oxidation on your vinyl sign? I think mine is starting to oxidize, was just curious if yours is too. Mine sits outside 24/7 so mine will probably oxidize quicker than others. Just wish I could find someone to remove the oxidation :slight_smile:

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Anyway I could see a picture of that sir?

I don’t recommend the method I used but I’ll bet somebody down the street from you loves to weld. That’d be the guy to talk to.