Oil stain on concrete slats

While using an oil based stain for a deck my crew and I didn’t lay enough tarp to catch all the drips landing on concrete slats below. My attempts to remove them have been using myriatic acid and a pressure washer. It seems the acid is leaving stains behind so the situation with the customer hasn’t improved a whole lot. Fortunately she’s been cool. The headache is returning to the customer’s house repeatedly and taking time out of the day to do so.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I’ve even considered putting a concrete pad on my hand grinder to see if it’d remove the stains similar to sanding out paint on wood. Or are there other chemicals or techniques?

Greatly appreciate it guys.

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Only thing that I’ve found that removes those items is carborater cleaner … or you could try using some TSP mixed with goof off … it being oil based is the biggest problem.

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A very strong mix of sodium hydroxide, equivalent to 12 - 16 oz. per gallon of water. In a spay bottle. Hit the drips with the mix liberally. Cover the NaOH with a lot of talcum powder. Scrub into the concrete with a wire brush. When it starts to dry out, do the same process again. Rinse.

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Wonder if floor stripper would remove it…

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Stains after they set, is almost impossible to remove out of concrete. I would not continue using chemicals. This will only set the stain making it even more difficult to remove. You best bet is pure steam at 345 degrees @ 2,300 psi. That will do it… We use this setting to remove rust and stains. However, you might not be able to hit this temp. with your washer…( I do not know what you have) but most washers can hit up to 180-230 degrees. Try that with Acetone. Let it sit for a few and then wash with extreme heat at 2,000 . Call me and I will teach you how to increase your heat for this one cleaning. You must have 230+ degrees in order to have a chance of making this work.

Jim Gamble 510-612-0437

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Interesting solution