Note to self

Dont accidentally shoot yourself in the face at point blank range. That’s bad… lol… good thing it was only a 2540 nozzle! But that initial blast is what sucked haha. trigger control, people !

Note to self: Don’t go to the gun range with this guy^^^^



You’d be missing out ! I have some fun toys !! @SchertzServicesLLC

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I am busting up! :rofl:


I died laughing when I saw that :joy::joy:

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It’s things like this that give me job security as the safety officer…

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Lmfao IT WAS AN ACCIDENT CHRIS !! :joy::joy::joy::joy::sunglasses:

Man, I have never heard that one before! Most people tell me they meant to do it!


I assume you were wearing ANSI approved safety glasses? Or should that assumption be put aside because one was “brave” enough to aim a gun at them-self? lol

You can replace brave with the word you see fit. :joy:

Interesting thing is that he said the initial blast is what sucked. That kind of implies that the subsequent blasting was more enjoyable, no?


Haha. Well it was quite hott out ! And yes Chris I had glasses on… maybe not ansi approved, but you get it lol

I dont even remember how it happened. Think I was trying to switch nozzles or something. All i remember is “BAM” and then “aww that sucked” lol

That was pretty cool @SchertzServicesLLC how do you do that ?!

It’s a secret! I plan on using it on here for obvious questions asked… don’t steal my thunder


Lol, you’re probably an iPhone user anyway !

Ha! I always feel like an ass when I do that but I am not as charming as Schertz or IBS! :sunglasses:

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How do you think I landed Blaire? It wasn’t my dashing good looks lol