New to powerwashing

I am new to this and havent done my first job yet, I have three customers that have fleets and would like me to wash them once a month. I would also like to get into commercial such as gas stations and churches. How do you bid for these jobs and what kind of chemicals should be used for parking lots?

Hey @Dirtdog_powerwash I’m new in these here parts, so from one new person to the other, before someone jumps you and says, use the search button :grinning: let me just say welcome, hold on, and snuggle down with a laptop for a couple of days. Lots of reading to be done, and a lot of answered questions will come to you.

I understand why you get the reply of use the search button, as a lot of the same questions get asked over and over, so don’t take anything personally if you bump up against a reply that is terse.


From your first post, I’m going to tell you how to suck eggs, as my Grandmother would say, meaning you already know this but you are going to hear it again. From your first post it says you have three customers who want you to do monthly fleet, so this is the area you need to concentrate on, also while researching this area you can work on what equipment to buy, if you have not already done so.

So take sometime and look through this section Commercial - Pressure Washing Resource for commercial work, and Fleet Washing - Pressure Washing Resource for fleet work. Enjoy these rabbit holes, if you do not come back by friday we will send someone to look for you…:rofl:


DirtDog your question is so general it’s tough to answer. Definitely search here and on YouTube for fleet wash. There’s not a ton of fleet washers here but there are several very experienced ones. I think you’re more likely to get a response if you post a more narrow question. Good luck. :+1:

Hi @Sasquatch you might have meant Dirtdog_powerwash, I was trying to help him…:grinning:

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Yep. Thank you for correcting me. :+1:

Get your insurance lined up yet? Commercial isn’t cheap.

Yes I have a million dollar policy. Not sure if I need that much, got it to be safe

Where are you located?

Fort Worth, TX