New jrod hoodie

Aaron is the gap big enough to use a insulated quick connect??

My understanding is YES.
Thats the only reason i am buying them
I dont have to weld plugs together

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Yes, they do fit our rubberized QC we have here for testing. They are designed to accept Hansen and HPC plugs, foster are just a little shorter.

@Innocentbystander, he will have access to them soon if he is a barens vendor unless he was one of the prelaunch testers. Then he should already have them.

Right now quantities are very limited and even us, the very first tester of the item, are limited to just a couple of handfuls right now.

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Iā€™ll saw one end off for you if you would like :joy:

Shoot I would pop on a couple to try out just for that reason. Thanks

U need the four that way u can carry ur zero degree nozzle :joy::joy:

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Lol. Look what popped up in my facebook feed. Google is Everywhere!!!


Facebook pixel and IP targetingā€¦ great tools to learn that can actually be very beneficial to us.

Track visitors ip addresses and link them to their Facebook via IP address

IP targeting is tracking ones internet browsing history and searching for keywords and using geo fencing is to display ads on hundreds of thousands of websites. (If a customer types in pressure washing services ____(your city). Next time they go to a site that your marketing agency is in contract with your ad will pop up to them.

Facebook pixel I already have set up and testedā€¦if someone visits my website then theyā€™ll get my Ads on there Facebook (will start it in March)

IP targeting Iā€™ll be outsourcing as you need a company that has a network of sites to display ads

Re targeting customersā€¦Iā€™ll be trying out both this year and am excited to see results.


Couldnā€™t you just buy this!!

Keep us posted. I just signed up for SEO with mr. pipeline. Iā€™ll write up a review in a couple months.


Ask them if they do anything with pixel and ip targeting? Iā€™d be curious as the marketing agency I may be going through wants $1100 for 100,000 Ads ā€¦for ip targeting but they say it goes quick because you canā€™t be to strict on your keywords.

Iā€™ll ask them the next time we talk and let you know.

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They look to be 3D printed to me, and honestly not very well. Hopefully those pics are of prototypes. Surely the actual product will be injection molded. Without some sort of gfr, at least 30% they are gonna crack or deform wayyyyy too easy. Iā€™d say probably when you first try to tighten the megs into them. I kinda wanna order a couple just to see!