Don’t know if it’s been done or if it will even work? But I’m gonna try it!
You don’t need to run the machine in fact that wouldn’t be advisible. You could have also just have made a adapter to blow air from the end of your hose back into the tank.
Ya know, I never thought of blowing it backwards… I wasn’t going to start my machine. Just whirl it over so I wasn’t forcing air blowby in the pump. I do have a backflow preventer on my inlet line that would prevent this method from working.
I see that now
Wait… so you blow air from the end of your hose backward through the pump into the tank? No problems?
No, not exactly. I blow my garden hose and the 1-1/2" fill hose backward back into the tank. Blow my upstream soap backward from my pump inlet, blow the water supply to the pump back into the tank and blow my hp hose out before the pump
Thanks for clarifying although I’m a little disappointed. Lol
I’m always a bit confused when I post. I don’t sleep very much due to work and all.
I was excited too for a second.
It worked!! Well it sucked up the antifreeze and all at once I was able to winterize my inlet line, filter, pump and unloader. Next time I’ll just leave my hose reel hooked up and do it too.
Poor starter, touch it next time you do that and see how hot it gets. Just start the engine next time and put a gun on it so you can cycle the unloader to work it through the passages. When it blows suds hook air up to your adapter and recover the fluid for reuse
I kinda thought the same thing after I finished recording. But it was 20 degrees and the starter was still cold. Really no load on the starter. But next time I’m going to start it and flush out the hose reel too. This was just a trial run.