Just started my own company with a partner.
We have two gx390’s and are in the process of having a soft wash set up made for us. (We’ve sort of went all in on this)
I’ve done several residential jobs and I’ve always eye balled the work and done a flat rate.
But with jobs getting bigger I’m finding some
Trouble accurately pricing my bids.
My idea of pricing has basically dropped the longer I’ve done work.
What are some baseline prices a newbie should follow? 0.10-0.20 for concrete?
What about for soft washing siding?
I’m reading a lot of information online. But it’s all very scattered
Also, I’ve been buying SH from a local PW distributor. Same guys building our soft wash rig. I’ve been buying 5gallons at a time but recently bought 25 as I have a 16plex coming up and figured I’d just stock up.
Should I be diluting this SH a whole lot? I’ve been diluting it pretty good on most jobs.
Price it by how long you would expect it to take you. Buy your SH from a local chemical company or go to a pool supply store if you don’t want to buy in bulk. I like to carry one restore, f9 barc, and gutter grenade. If you’re doing a lot of concrete maybe get some EBC or groundskeeper. Get some pump up sprayers and brushes.
You could just leave that on your truck and get longer hose to prevent you from having to wheel that thing around, but if it works for you then I’m not knocking it
I’ve considered getting a longer hose. The one on their right now is 50ft.
Is this sprayer okay for siding application?
I always thought the PW helped make the SH last a little longer when applying.
Sorry if I sound confused. It’s cause I am lol
Typically you’d have a downstream injector right after the pressure washer pump, and that injects about a 12:1 ratio of water to bleach, so ideally a 1% concentration hitting the house. Wheeling around a softwash cart will get old quick.
Ok I have a DS injector for my set up.
Was just curious about using the sprayer on siding.
The electric sprayer is actually really nice in my opinion. Only thing I don’t like is having to pre dilute my buckets and I run through 5gal per 500-600sf
That’s where the DS injector shines. Instead of spraying out of a bucket, you’re pulling undiluted chems out of a bucket (or tank) and you don’t have to keep refilling it. I still DS houses out of a 5-gallon bucket on my trailer, and 5 gallons of SH/elemonator gets me through most houses just fine
Is that because I could get a higher concentration on the stucco?
If I bought a longer line could I use that electric pump for applying SH to roofs?
Just not sure if that little pump could make enough pressure for a 100ft line elevated
Ya you can pull much stronger with that compared to down streaming. You could technically pull straight SH. Roofs could be done if your pump can handle it
I’m basically at 200 no matter where I go.
I’ve been fumbling wig the idea of 10-20cent for concrete. Basically if I think it’s gonna be a 3-4hr gig on concrete the price is gonna be 3-400.
But when the jobs that are really big do I start discounting my price at all? Say 3,000sf concrete and 3000sf siding. Decently dirty nothing really dirty but your standard wash
The bigger the job, I adjust down my price so not to be astronomically high… I bidded a job once at $50k as I would residential. I was underbidded by $10K. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done it for $35k… lesson learned!