New gun, ball valve, swivel

I had a million in coverage and elemonator day one also


Just thought about this and have never done it before. That last company I was with I almost always had a hose monkey who would kill the sh at the truck when I told him to since the sh was up streamed ( yes he did upstream every day all day) I’m used to running pink and black tips only. if I were to put a ball valve at the gun could I choke it down to stop the sh and keep using the black and pink without much change out of the gun? I haven’t tried the jrod or m5ds. Was also wondering if the meg nozzles somehow performed better.
Not too hip on fluid dynamics sorry

Yes. But a smaller nozzle would do the same thing. Remember, if it’s enough pressure to stop soap, it’s too much pressure for siding

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So you’re recommending the fresh water bucket approach?

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I was thinking it may lose pressure from the restricted ball to the now open (relatively) space of the gun and wand.