It looks as if a curing sealer was improperly applied to the concrete. Some commercial contractors apply sealers like SpecChem Cure & Seal 25 to freshly pored concrete or “green concrete” as soon as it’s finished. It helps with the curing process and also seals new concrete. It also looks as if the sealer was applied unevenly with a roller and not a fan tip sprayer. I know from experience that some sealers like these have a brown or yellowish tint that is very noticeable if applied wrong.
Try a little sealer stripper to it. It will tell you if it’s a sealer problem.
I’m having some of the same problems with concrete that I pour, One of the cement powder suppliers has been using a new agent to grind the materials to make the cement, then there is some phenomenon that has to do with heat and humidity that’s Creating some sort of reaction and causing the concrete to turn the brown blotchy colour…