Got the new trailer today. Going to work through the winter for a relaunch this spring with the spring thaw.
The gate is removable, the only thing I didn’t like about it is the spare tire location, I wanted a tool box on the tongue area. Unfortunately, the spare mount is welded on. Like @Racer said, make friends with a fabricator! It’s a 3500lb axle, and should be adequate for our needs for now. I originally was going with a SureTrac, but saved a few $$ on the Holmes. Next trailer will have the square tubing top rail instead of the angle, but we are good for now with the equipment we have planned…
Don’t forget to add a banner to the gate!
I haven’t decided to keep the gate on or not for our application. I know it gets slippery when wet, so some folks take it off. Still haven’t decided on curb side or end mounting of reels…I plan to clean out the garage to get it indoors for prep work. It’s COLD outside!!!
Yeah it is cold outside.
Did you see what @Racer did to his? He has a little sign at the bottom that he can step over. I am gonna keep mine because I can put a nice big sign on it. But I am also putting up a 4x8 roadside and a 2.5 x 8 curb side. It’s gonna be some big letters that say HOUSE WASHING with contact details. People are going to be able to read that and the phone number from really far away!
If your worried about someone using your werding (fully insured) against you, not sure what to say there. But i am going to get some yard signs this year that are exactly like the last options you have above… HOUSE WASHING and a # thats it.
That’s honestly the best way to go about it. Right now I have yard signs screwed into my trailer. I have gotten a couple jobs from them and several leads. I see people take pictures of them quite often. Much cheaper than buying big banners. I will PM you where I get my signs from.
A good idea is to also keep a “quote box” on your trailer. A small box that you can put a clip board and a few pens / quote papers inside. I have noticed while I am on the job I get people coming up to me asking me how much this and that would cost. Instead of giving them your card and asking them to call you, have them fill out the form and drop their quote in the quote box. This way you will have their name, address, email, phone number etc. and you let them know once you are done with the job you can call them and schedule an official quote. Also give them a card for good measure.
In my state, a Home Improvement License is not required for “cleaning”. It is NOT considered “home improvement”, however, we will be insured with general liabilty.
Having general liability insurance is an absolute must. Have you started shopping for that, or is it a bit early? From my understanding you should expect to pay 60-150 per month.
We have not found a broker, yet.
Our State Farrm rep stated they don’t do commercial GL
Where do you do business?
I would be suprised if he had a pressure washer.
If you are concerned about wording, then I would not have mold removal on my banner… unless of course you are permitted, licensed, and insured as a mold remediation company.
We currently operating a 2.5 gpm machine and have decided to take it to the next level and go with more professional equipment, thus the trailer to mount it on, the LLC, dba, and insurance.
Everyone has to start somewhere.Just looking for support and guidance here. Taking the winter to prep the trailer slowly and to do it right, hopefully, the first time. We have a very small existing customer base and will grow at a slower pace to gain the right experience. Advertising will come later. I have three jobs lined up for this spring (HOA work) which should pay off most of the initial equipment,
Not talking to you bud. See how my comment is under jims
I don’t know you or your buisness. I started with a small machine and still use it at least once a month. When you run into a job that has limited access it’s nice to be able to pull that small machine off. Mine was actually a 2.4 so your better off than me already

Got it! Haha.
We are starting small and slow, taking the time to take advisement and suggestions under consideration as we move forward. We can’t continue on under solely direct customer water hook up and a wand and dinky surface cleaner. We have relationship with two small HOAs that we hope to work with and hopefully many more small HOAs. Housewash, sidewalks and concrete driveways and street aprons, etc to start.
I have joseph d walters. it’s 1460 per year. Others have stated they have cheaper. I placed a range.
I am completely covered in my state. I also spoke with the city / state on it.
Fill your LLC, get insurance, and get a business banking account asap. Have these things before you work. Just save every dollar you can and as long as there is a market and you know how to run a business, you will be good.
Which division of the city/state did you speak with? Did you get something in writing? That only addresses permitting/licensing. You did not address the insurance aspect of this.
I did not know that Joseph D. Walters insured mold remediation… mold remediation and/or abatement insurance is typically much more expensive than $1460 a year.
I am seriously trying to look out for you here. There are mold and bacteria exclusions in all GL insurance policies, unless specifically addressed for remediation/abatement. Your entire GL policy can or will be cancelled if a claim is filed under a mold remediation claim from a client. I do not want to seem argumentative… I am bringing this up because you are concerned about insurance terminology that a defendant can use against you.
No you are entirely right and this is something I have not considered. Thank you for the input. I will be seeing what I can do to make sure I am covered in that aspect as well. Do you have any other potentials that I should be made aware of?