I have a client that needs to get their pavers cleaned? The picture above shows the pavers and the moss in between. It is a big job and the client does not want to sand the pavers. What is the best method to use? I’m located in central New Jersey and how can I clean the pavers with out pulling up all the sand in between? What would be the ballpark of price and process for this project? What is the best method to use detergents and Etc?
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Surface cleaner will clean them. It won’t get all the moss out so let the customer know. Using the wand will remove a lot of the sand so I wouldn’t recommend that other than to cut the edges in. To make it easier pretreat with SH using dedicated pump or ds straight SH. Pavers are easy till you have to clean up all the mud you make. That’s where all your time is spent.
Pre treat with 50/50 then use surface cleaner then turbo nozzle the really sturborn stuff.
That’s how I did a patio this size a few months ago. Before and after video on my YouTube channel.
30-40% mix, throttle down surface cleaner, don’t need full power to clean once you hit with mix. All that moss going to die and once you surface clean and rinse most of it will come out